Harmonization of the Solar Being
Harmonization of the Solar Being
We are beings between the earth and the sky. Energies can flow freely when we are at the same time firmly rooted in our incarnation and connected to our inner, deeper dimension.
In these 4 sessions, the different inner bodies are activated with a combination of codes, a visualization of coulours, and sacred geometries, to help us to open up more and more to what we truly are.
The sacred geometry is activated and allows a liberation of the crystallized energies: The energy of Life and Love invites herself, flowing freely and unveiling the crystal of the Solar Being that we are.
Here is a translation of the inspired words of Martine Aubineau who initiated me to this transmission of Life, I thank her from the bottom of my heart! Please feel the beauty which emanates through these words (original in French by Martine):
"We are the two sides of the same coin.
In the heart of matter, a balance is to be found.
The dimension of our Solar Being – that we are - is allowed to incarnate.
It is – through sacred geometries - activated.
Being replaces the personality,
Life can begin.
Another dimension is allowed to express herself,
Of Love and Unity.
Thus, the personality is welcomed by the great heart of life which has been given to us, and can relax."
A mouvement of Life given to us
A process which unfolds in four sessions
The unconditional song of Life
Reactivated in the heart of Being that we are.
Light recognizes itself we may say.
Thus, the use of coulours and appropriate codes allows
The doors to open and to let the unique song of Life come in.
The one which connects us all and that we all are.
Through this, the Christian grid is stabilized,
And allows us, step by step, to let light vibrate in the heart of matter.
Solidly incarnate, life can then express itself in its most sacred dimensions.
(Opening of the Door of the Earth)
Saying Yes to the incarnation on earth
Is necessary to welcome the light.
This is the invitation through the Body of Vitality.
The unconditional Yes to this incarnation of Life.
Saying Yes to the commitment in this moment
Yes to the incarnation on this level.
In order to place the bases and the structures
And take our full measure.
(Opening of the Solar Door)
Or Body of Consciousness
The key body par excellence.
Horizontal and vertical are associated.
Nothing more is to be opposed,
The time of complementarity has arrived.
Crossing the shaking of personality,
Letting emotions rise and consume,
Passing from duality to Unity,
And standing up, firm, the feet well rooted.
(Opening of the Door of the Heart)
The incarnation in matter having been accepted,
And the end of duality having been proposed,
Light can now definitely appear
And manifest itself in the heart of Being.
Through Sacred Geometries
Which allow light to diffract in matter.
The Love song of Life can begin.
(Opening of the Universal Door)
The space of emptiness is touched, the way in divine jubilation can open up.
This can take some time but the activation has started.
Body of Vitality and Body of Joy are not separated.
The first contains the last.
When Life is fully accepted,
Joy is there to flow.
The time has come to Be and to Love from the sacred dimension that we are here incarnate.
Harmonization of the Solar Being : 1h – 70 €, 4 sessions : 250 €
The services have no therapeutic purpose and because of their nature, are in no way similar, neither in content nor in objectives, to the practice of masso-kinesitherapy, nor to any medical practice.
The well-being massages offered are neither naturist, tantric nor sexual massages.
Vibrer la Joie
54, rue Gioffredo
06000 Nice
Siret : 877 798 587 00029
Claudia Horsten
06 61 54 81 16
Schedule :
9.00 am - 6 pm
member of the French Federation of Well-Being Massage
Claudia Horsten
offers the following wellness massages in Nice