Reflexology Thaï Foot Massage
Reflexology Thai Foot Massage
Reflexology Thaï foot massage is a massage of the feet and the lower legs which has an effect on the whole body.
This massage relaxes and vitalizes the body through the stimulation of the zones and reflex points of the feet and lower legs. The activation of acupressure points and meridian lines help to make the energy circulate, to feel better and more rooted in our body.
Our feet carry us our whole life and we normally don’t give them any attention – this massage is an opportunity to see them, thank them, touch them: they are the basis of our connection with the earth. The massage helps to reconnect with our feet, our roots, and let the energy circulate freely through our whole body.
Reflexology Thai foot massage : 1 h – 70 €
The services have no therapeutic purpose and because of their nature, are in no way similar, neither in content nor in objectives, to the practice of masso-kinesitherapy, nor to any medical practice.
The well-being massages offered are neither naturist, tantric nor sexual massages.
Vibrer la Joie
54, rue Gioffredo
06000 Nice
Siret : 877 798 587 00029
Claudia Horsten
06 61 54 81 16
Schedule :
9.00 am - 6 pm
member of the French Federation of Well-Being Massage
Claudia Horsten
offers the following wellness massages in Nice