Vibrer la Joie
Claudia Horsten
Californian Swedish Massage - Thai Réflexologie Foot Massage - Relaxing drainage Massage - Energetic Sessions
Centre Thérapeutique de Nice au 54, rue Gioffredo à Nice
Life is all pervading vibration, joyful consciousness which manifests through us, and through the world
As young children, we fully lived this joy, the energy moved freely through us, then, slowly, we experienced painful situations, and started to protect ourselves. Often, as an adult, we still carry these protections which densify more and more in our body.
My wish is to help you to reconnect to this profound joy, to welcome the inner child in you, to dare to lay down arms and protections and let emerge the sensitivity of your being: the sense of touch and the energy help to welcome the tensions of the body in a soft and welcoming space – there is nothing to change, everything is already perfect, just a letting go of a weight we have often been carrying for a long time - to accept ourselves as we are, with our body, our emotions, our whole being.
Life is a vibration of Joy, a gentle joy, subtle, a joy which shines with all colours, and you are that 😊
Relationship body – mind
Let you cradle and touch by an enveloping oil massage.
The body is met and accepted as it is, an expression of your Being, it embraces the Inner Child in its innocence, with its joy and its injuries.
The sense of touch helps to reconnect to the body, the emotions, the inner world.
An invitation to dare: to open to the sensitivity, the vibration of Life. An invitation to dare: to feel the protections and the tensions which have accompanied us, to welcome them and to let them relax in the softness of your Being.
Offer you a time of gentle touch and presence: body and mind are allowed to express themselves, to rebalance and to recover gently their natural state of being.
A bit of a story:
I have always loved languages, psychology, other cultures, traveling. Life gave me the chance to discover the human kindness and music in the heart of Ireland, friendliness and gastronomy in the Spanish Basque Country, the way of life and humour of the Dutch, the intensity and spirituality of India, and the beauty, the light and the sea in the South of France.
Communication and relationships have always been in the heart of my professional activity: As a translator in Ireland and the USA, language teacher in Ireland, Spain and France, executive assistant or customer account manager in Monaco.
I had travelled a lot in the outer world, then Life invited me to discover more the inner world, through spirituality.
The wish became stronger to give more meaning to my activity, to leave the world of business, of numbers and profit, and to reconnect to the heart of Life: the deepness of human being.
Life answered with a great YES and gave me the chance to a profound change: everything was possible 😊
The sense of touch came into life: touching with the hands of the heart!
I followed this call and discovered the different ways of touch and energy in the trainings of Chinese Energetics, Ayurvedic Massage, Well-Being Massage, energetic trainings as the Reiki, the Harmonization of the Solar Being, and others.
The sense of touch opens a door to another world, to parts of us often forgotten. My wish is to touch the sensitivity, the beauty and the joy in your heart, to invite you – through gentleness and presence – to let go and open up trustfully to the Being and Presence you are 😊
I wish you a happy traveling to yourself 😊 And would be happy to accompany you on this wonderful journey!
Claudia Horsten
As a certified massage practitioner, I will be happy to contribute to your well-being through the sense of touch and energetical approaches. (spoken languages: French, English, German, Spanish)
I am member of the French Federation of Well-Being Massage
For more information do not hesitate to call me
Frequently asked questions
A massage / energetical harmonization for whom?
For everybody who would like to come back to his body, and give him a place in her or his life which is often dominated by thoughts and the mind.
For everybody who would like to feel her or his body with its energies – and who would like to be touched with gentleness and presence.
For everybody who would like to reconnect to this sensitive, vulnerable part in her or him which is full of life but very often so protected that we feel disconnected from it.
A relaxing drainage massage for whom?
Specially for women with circulatory and venous return disorders:
Water retention, cellulite, tissue infiltration, heavy legs, overweight, nervousness, insomnia
Are there any contraindications:
- yes, in the following situations, the massage or energetical approach is not recommended
Infection, declared fever, varicose veins, wounds, cancer in the evolutionary phase, post-operative edema, pregnancy, heavy venous pathology (phlebitis, etc.)
Please validate with your general practitioner if a massage is recommended.
Vibrer la Joie
54, rue Gioffredo
06000 Nice
Siret : 877 798 587 00029
Claudia Horsten
06 61 54 81 16
Schedule :
9.00 am - 6 pm
member of the French Federation of Well-Being Massage
Claudia Horsten
offers the following wellness massages in Nice